Learn, Talk, Give and Care

Learn to love without condition
Talk without bad intention
Give without any reason
and most of all,
Care without any expectation

There are few things that we love unconditional or even realize that we are capable of loving without condition. In reality most are able to love their pets or children unconditionally due to the fact that all pets and children know nothing else, but to love and give love unconditionally. We learn to love back the same way subconsciously. Always remain open to this learning and teach yourself how to love other and all things without condition. Learn to accept what you perceive as faults in others and achievements and accept everyone for who they are. We are all perfect in our own way and different from each other.


Make efforts never to speak poorly about other things or people, to do so is a reflection of yourself. Those who complain are most likely dissatisfied with themselves than whatever it is they are complaining about. To every bad side is a good side. Seek the positive in all things and speak only of these.


Give from your heart for no other reason but to give. You do not have to be rich or have tons of money to give. Giving is not about money, it is something more than money could ever purchase. Your energy and time is something we all possess and can choose to give.

Bob Marley was once asked in an interview if he was a rich man, he asked the interviewer what does he mean by rich? in which the interviewer stated rich as in possessions or lots of money in the bank. Bob Marley's reply was simply stated as "possessions make you rich? I don't have that kind of richness. My richness is life, forever..." All life is just time and energy.

Your time and energy can be as simple and quick as saying hello to a stranger or simply smiling as someone passes by. 


Care for others and most importantly yourself. Practice gratitude in which connects you to grace. Much like loving something or someone unconditionally. Always remember to love, speak and give without expectation. By having expectations you are surely setting yourself up to be let down. It is not fair to the person or yourself to expect them to meet your thoughts without knowing what they are to begin with.

Whatever you do not receive from someone or something, you can surely provide yourself. All the love, feelings and answers can be found within ourselves. This is why it is important to practice all levels of learning, speaking, giving and caring outwards and inwards.


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